Business-Driven 365

A blog full ofĀ actionable ideas for quickly transforming your business with Microsoft 365.

Why Implementing Microsoft Teams is an Absolute No-Brainer

You’ve heard of Microsoft Teams by now, but you’re probably cringing about yet another application to learn. Worse yet, you’re likely thinking it’s another application to unnecessarily distract your employees.

I’m going to tell you why you’re very wrong if you...

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How to Implement Microsoft Teams in a Two-Hour Staff Meeting

This is a boring, but necessary article. It describes how to implement Teams during a two-hour staff meeting. If you’re looking for inspiration on why to implement Teams, look at this post or this post. But, since somebody’s got to discuss the agenda and tactics for the...

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Emphasize the "What's In It For Me" Before Mandating Microsoft Teams Usage

So why did I put such a non-business photo at the top of this business post? It’s because non-work activities such as the subject of the photo may be what your employees are most interested in, and why you must use WIIFM to get them to buy into Teams (or any collaboration improvement) from...

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How You Can Eliminate All Internal Email Next Week

“You’ve got to help us!” The man across the table from me practically came out of his seat as my single sentence resonated with him. All I had said at the Chamber of Commerce networking event last Friday was that we help organizations eliminate all internal email.

Such is the...

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The Executive Weekly Report with Hundreds of Contributors

The Situation

Soon after the merger that doubled our company’s size in 2012, the Senior Vice President of Power Generation Operations informed his Regional Vice Presidents that he needed a “Weekly Report” by Sunday morning each week so that he could in turn, compile and present...

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LOTO Requests - Standardizing for Safety and Efficiency

The Situation

In 2005, employees at our largest coal power plant (and the third largest in the country) used various, inconsistent means to request “Lockout Tagout” before working on equipment. “Lockout Tagout” is a process by which mechanics, electricians, and other...

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Work Management Barrier Resolution - Radically Reducing Time Spent Tracking Improvement Progress

The Situation

One large generating station conducted a regular weekly meeting in which recent barriers to efficient maintenance work were discussed and actions planned to eliminate such barriers in future work.

These barriers were such things as mechanics getting the wrong parts due to incorrect...

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Outage Reporting ā€“ Using Upward Reporting to Capture Lessons Learned

The Situation

Maintenance outages are a stressful and action-packed time for electric generating stations. It is not a small deal when a utility idles a large generating unit because if things go badly and return to service is delayed, that unit’s generation may not be available for peak...

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Op Model Assessments - Reducing the Cost of Assessments by 50% with SharePoint

The Situation
We developed an Operating Model during merger transition work in 2005. The “Op Model” became the bible of generating station management at the new company. It prescribed detailed operating, maintenance, and financial management methods.

Adherence was expected of station...

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Reduce Non-Value-Added Computer Time to Increase Time on the Shop Floor

A station manager recently confided to me that he was frustrated that he was mandated to get his supervisors out on the shop floor at least 50% of their days at work. "How can I do that when 70% of their work is on the computer?" he lamented.

I felt his pain; I thought the same when I heard the...

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Two Step

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